Doors Knocked Through Our Grassroots Campaigning
Media Placements Including Fox News, Newsmax, & OANN
Volunteers Mobilized Across The Country
Active State Chapters Across The Country
Grassroots Campaigning
We believe that the most effective way to target voters in the community is to be on the ground listening and sharing ideas on the best solutions to their issues. At BCF, we have a strategic grassroots offering that has proven to increase voter turnout and support. Our ability to mobilize passionate volunteers and paid activists is second to none.
Political Endorsements
The Black Conservative Federation’s intent with each endorsement is to select the most qualified candidate. The issues to be included in the endorsement questionnaire reflect BCF’s key areas of focus and principles. The Black Conservative Federation’s advisory board shall be responsible for the candidate endorsements, training, and maintaining the integrity of the endorsement process.
Speaking Engagements & Trainings
Ensuring that the voices and perspectives of our community are heard across both sides of the aisle is key to fulfilling the mission of BCF. Not only do we work within the community to educate and train people on topics such as financial literacy, the importance of education, and impactful community engagement; we make certain that the concerns of our communities are heard on all relevant platforms. Our leadership team works closely with media outlets, political action groups, and countless other types of organizations to push for effective discussions on the solutions to the issues we face.